Friday, July 30, 2010

How do young people today view interracial relationships?

I'm a writer and attempting to do real life research. I am interesting in finding out from young people (18 and under) how interractial relationships are viewed in their schools, within thier groups of friends, and their communities. Please if you wouldn't mind indicate the part of the country you live in when you answer. Thanks.How do young people today view interracial relationships?
i'm 14, a freshman in high school, and i'll give it my best shot:

from what i see at my school, people in theory are okay with interracial relationships. white, indian (from india) and asian (chinese, taiwanese, japanese, korean... ) kids all date pretty much freely with each other.

latino students tend to stick to latino students, though there are a lot of exceptions to that. the exceptions tend to be with latina girls going out with white guys. it depends on how hardcore they are too. my friend karina says that if you're latino, the longer you've been in america, the more willing you are to go out with guys of other races. that's her perception of it.

black girls tend to go out with all races, mostly white or black, but black guys go out more with latina or black girls.

i don't think there's any real stigma. there are unwritten rules, but, no real issues with breaking them. people are hyper concious of racism.

i myself, my best friend is mexican and i have close friends of all races. i've never gone out with anyone, but i've had crushes on guys of all races.

i live in california, silicon valleyHow do young people today view interracial relationships?
If you are looking for 18 and under to answer how come you ask at this time of night when most are asleep for the school night?
Generally speaking, in my country, interracial relationships are not really a big deal although some people give weird looks if a native managed to ';snag'; a foreigner. hehehe:-)

Then again, in the history of our country, we've had more than 300 years of Spanish rule, more or less 50 years of American occupation, and about 3 years of Japanese occupation. Not to mention the fact that even before the Spanish came, the Chinese, Arabs, Indians had established ties with us. It's quite improbable that there have never been any mixes in our race (throughout history).

Some people find it great to have relations with foreigners because they think it's not just an ';improvement'; of the race but also as a sort improvement in the family or clan's social status.

On the other hand, that's much to the chagrin or disappointment of some locals who feel that foreigners get all the breaks.

I'm from the Philippines.
I'm 15 and I find that there's nothing wrong with it. I guess it's just your own preferance, and if people are too narrow-minded to accept that, tell them to go away..
its all good
It's totally great. I'm all for it.
im all for it
I live in NJ, I think your question would have went better in the polls and surveys section better but anyway I think interracial relationships are good. I do not have a problem with them personally unless someone of my culture whether be male or female believes that dating outside their race is doing better or going a step above the common man or woman of their own race. There are tons of high-profile couples in interracial relationships and they seem happy so more power to them.

I personally would not mind being in an interracial relationship but not solely for it being interracial, its just something different and I have been attracted to guys of different ethnicities yet I have mostly dated African Americans. My brother prefers Asians. You must understand where I live it is more accepted and many families are more diverse in my hometown so I am more open-minded than the average person. Hope this helps~!
I would say most people are secretly against it. It's a taboo in a taboo. People generally look down on them, but only in private, as racism is now socially unacceptable in public. Southern USA.

Obviously no one will say that here, as then they get branded a racist, and that's like the new red scare. Irony being I'm an interracial offspring myself.
I am a we bit past your age frame here but have a little knowledge.....I am white Australian and was married to a Filipino man for 21 years, we had 3 children together. So they are bi-racial, the eldest boy 26 likes white gals only, middle child 23 girl is gay but likes white gals only, third boy is 15 and likes Asians only!!.....and me have divorced the Filipino man and now married a Nigerian....have always liked the darker skin man and never dated a white fella ever!!!!.....sorry my bad!!!.....thought you may get something out of that answer!!!

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