Friday, July 30, 2010

Why do girls get bored in relationships?

Is it just my experience of being 18? I'm saying like after 3 months they might get bored with the same thing. Did I become predictable or was it just the type of girl I was with?Why do girls get bored in relationships?
I don't think it's a matter of being bored, being as brutally honest as I can, she just probably isn't that into you. I am sorry if that sounded harsh, but my boyfriend is your age, and I am a year younger and we have been dating 3 years and I still to this day find everything I do with him exciting, even if it's just sitting around eating noodle casserole from the dish and watching family guy. If it's really meant to last, she won't mind not always having to go out on a Saturday night, and'll be fine with just bunkering in to watch a James bond marathon with you. That to me, is a keeper. Just hang in there, she is out there somewhere, maybe you manage to find her sooner then later like me, but if you don't you have your whole life right? Have fun too... HahaWhy do girls get bored in relationships?
your 18. you have a long way to go Buddy. i think it was the girls you date. you didn't become predictable, it just wasn't going to be forever so it ended.

you'll know when you find a really special girl. the excitement does last, i am in bearing whiteness.
It just the type of girl you were with. U can't think that ALL girls are like that. Would u like it if we thought ALL guys were the same? Hell no u wouldn't! lol. Give it another try

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