what have you learned most from your past relationships?What have you learned from past relationships?
that b**ches are moody!What have you learned from past relationships?
i;ve learned that i will never cheat because being cheat on hurts extremely bad. i've also learned girls and guys are very different from each other and you just have to accept it because if you try to make them like you and think everything you thought then there will be a lot of fighting. im a believer in opposites attract because if you are the exact same as them then you are pretty much dating yourself... but yes i think tthere should be some similarities...
You really cant trust who your with unless your married , trust me . I trusted my ex completely like 98% . And i checked throught his texts ; he was texting about 4 chicks and one of them said '; i love you papi'; i was in complete shock and they he was talking to his ex about how he was thinking about her . dont trust .
what I didn't want in a husband
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