Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Are changing gender roles in media and work affecting relationships -?

between girls and boys at school, college, and in the average household?Are changing gender roles in media and work affecting relationships -?
As masculinity continues to be marginalized, relationships between the sexes will suffer.Are changing gender roles in media and work affecting relationships -?
Yes; in various ways that depend on the individuals. As time goes on, with each generation, individuals are less confused about gender roles as the culture settles down in a greater degree of equality, while at the same time seeking more of it because we're not quite there yet. Some women want to wear the pants, and have trouble in relationships because they need a man who is a wussy in order to have a man who follows her and her career goals and lets her lead. Most women want to make genuinely mutual decisions and not have a power conflict in the relationship but in those cases, the men often want power and a certain amount of it. They may not want to dominate, but feel just a little above the woman so as to not bruise his ego. Most women don't mind this so much because they like to be overpowered and submissive, to a degree. They don't want to be disrespected but do like a man to be bigger in many ways.
Relationships based on equality and mutual respect are of course superior to those based on inequality and disrespect. However, gender roles are better taught at home, where values become internalized, and then they can carry through to the media and work situations.
hahaha sooo much!!! women fighting for their rights has now kicked them in the butt!!! not their fault..im a woman and I experience it daily.

women faught tobe THOUGHT of as equal and for respect, well deserved..also for ability to get awayfrom abusive men! Thank God!

but!!! now a woman HAS to work..... HAS to go to mcdonalds and flip burgers with her kids at home... thats not right! and now MEN have (as always ) became ridiculous and always try to take advantage of women one way or other..so now men LOOK for women for THEIR money..roles have reversed!

people DONT realize..... thatif all women said at the same time (100 million women in this country).. ';im not going to work anymore';

then for the economy to survive and stay the same.. themen would suddenly earn DOUBLE!!! so for the one man and one woman making $8 each at mcdonalds..the man would suddenly make $16 an hour.. its simple economy..simple math. (im not figuring inhto this equation the illegal aliens here)

but anyway... no woman ever fought with blood and tears to work all day at a dead end retial or fast food job..with her kids at home..... they fought for freedom because men were MEAN to them..plain and simple..its a womans RIGHT to stay home and have a man care for her every need... but to be dependent on a man is scary cuz theyre just not always that good! can youimagine how men would bust their *** and provide your EVERY need ....... if women didnt work.. and if NO woman EVERRRRRRRRRR had sex outside of marriage???? even the highest paid prostitute could NEVER compete with how much a married woman is cared for!!! this would get rid of prostitution..... its all really sad.

of course anywoman could still work.. tobe a great thing like president,lawyer scientist etc... im talking about the MAJORITY working stupid jobs that they dont even want to but HAVE to..which takes time away from relationship with husband and kids..what a woman has to offer is worth ALLLLL the money a man makes..she is the reason he goes to work!!!! women arent wired the same..so when a man depends on a woman to pay half thebills and THEN expects sex from her when she is so damn tired her inner female nature kicks in and says wait a minute!!!!! DIVORCE!!!!!!!!!!! it's ridiculous for a man to have a female ';financial partner'; thats what other men are for!!!!! go find a man to be a financial partner!!! start a business or whatever....

Imean if that man expects money from his wife andsex and good motherhood etc etc he is a dumbass.
You mean if someone is in a relationship and they change their gender? Like an operation? That would ';affect'; the relationship a great deal and this can not be overstated, I repeat.

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