I have a rather jaundiced view and I'd be interested to hear yours.Does the internet facilitate mischief in marriage/relationships?
Yes it does.Common sense says it's a means of meeting other individuals.If it stops being virtual and enters the realms of reality then the trouble begins.Then again ordinary life throws up the same opportunities.Going to work,joining a club etc.It's the desire to mess about that's the catalyst.Does the internet facilitate mischief in marriage/relationships?
Like any other technology, the internet is a great tool if used properly and with discretion. There is a wealth of information available and is wonderful for keeping in touch with family and friends, especially those who live a distance away. Unfortunately, many people use the internet as a way to escape into a fantasy world and retreat from reality and can actually become addictive to some people. I have personal knowledge of a family that was nearly destroyed because the woman spent the majority of her waking hours on the internet chatting with her ';friends'; while her family was nearly destroyed. Her children were left with no discipline or adult supervision, even though she was physically in the house. She divorced her husband of many years to marry a stranger that she had met online; after only a few months it became apparent that BOTH of them had lied to each other about many things (each thought the other was well off financially when in reality neither was). Fortunately, for her, when that marriage ended her husband was willing to take her back. This woman wasn't a young, inexperienced person, she is in her 60's! One other problem that I see with the internet is that when someone gets into an argument over whatever it is too easy to send an email saying things that, if given time to cool down, would never be said. I guess I'm a bit old fashioned, but, back in the ';stone age'; that I grew up in if you got mad at someone and wrote a letter you had time to re-read it before sending and possibly cool down; now, you just write it and hit send and the damage is done. When one considers the other trash that is out there (porn, predators, scams) the potential for mischief and worse is definitely a problem that one needs to be aware of.
It makes it easier for the people that are naturally sly and on the look out for fun on the side,those types of people don't need any excuse. I guess it can put temptation in the way as well, but you would hope that your other half would know better than to play with fire. I know my hubby and I trust him, he trusts me, so there is no issue.
It depends...
I almost broke up with my partner due to the amount of time he spent online messing around with his daft sites and web designing.
As soon as he got in from work, he`d be right on his laptops or the pc`s until it was time to go to sleep almost.
A swift chat that i never entered into a relationship with him AND his laptop and that i wasnt into a 3 way relationship soon sorted him out.
Of course he can go on the net when he wants and me likewise but as long as you make time for each other then thats okay.
Now life is rosey as he either compromised or he was out on his jack and jones lol x
I expect it can, but only where there would have been problems anyway. If a partner in a relationship is going on chatlines or look at sex sites then they would probably have found a way to cheat before, but this makes it a lot easier.
Not in my opinion. Although saying that, I'm happily married and don't look elsewhere anyway. I do know someone who has had an affair over the net (if you can call it that) but the same woman also has tons of affairs wherever she can get them!
not if you trust each other. me and my boyfriend use the internet daily for different things...at different times and different places, he does what he wants...i do what i want. it shouldn't be an issue in any relationship aslong as there is trust there.
the can be a tool for mischief, but it is not the cause.
ever heard the term ';guns don't kill people, people kill people';? Same thing - internet doesn't make cheaters - cheaters may opt to use the internet to stray.
If it does, the marriage would not be healthy in the first place.
How could anyone fall in love with typed words or fake pictures?
I do think the internet could affect reality, if we used it too much!
I think it puts a lot of temptation in people`s way!
You have access to so many others via the pc, that it is easy to chat and flirt and get carried away.
Not that i ever do it, of course.
Yep my first husband was doing sex-chats on-line at the office... but he could just as easily been out in a bar chatting up other women so I don't see how the Internet is any different to being a flirt or a cheat elsewhere.
Yep - there are a few fakies who pretend they are looking/single but in all reality are unhappily married/in a dead end relationship and just looking to see if they can still 'do it' - pull that is!!!!!
Of course it does. The more food on your plate, you more food you eat.
The internet puts loads more food on your plate, so to speak.
of course it does
i was going to give you a lengthy answer but fear of incriminating oneself has just stopped me short of giving it all away ! lol xx
Yes. Lots of temptation and easy ways to cover up.
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