Tuesday, August 24, 2010

LGBT: What is the best way to deal with online relationships?

LGBT, I've fallen so hard again.

Good thing he lives really close.LGBT: What is the best way to deal with online relationships?
First off - on line relationships can be, and have been known to be - dangerous... Especially so if there is / are distance (s) involved, and a lot of ';kisses and promises of what they'll do for each other..

How many kids have been lead astray and into trouble from all these people who suffer from Baby Bird Syndrome.

If the parties ';involved'; (???) are close to each other distance wise, a couple of meetings on a neutral territory should be the ';protocol'; and then again, do not believe everything you are told...

Ask questions... make mental notes of the other person's replies, and jot them down as reference when you are alone..

During a second meeting - again - in the same atmosphere / location, as the somewhat similar questions once again, and if their replies ';match up'; there could be some truth to the person... Do so with ';I ';..forgot what you said about ';XYX';...

And never get into a confined area with strangers you've met on line...

And if you're imbibing, always keep an eye on your drink (s).. Far too many are far too trusting of other people..

And ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.. I hope you know what I mean by that..

Gp in peace and caution....!!!!

Rachelle In High HeelsLGBT: What is the best way to deal with online relationships?
She said ';You're scary';

There goes my online relationship. Hahahahaha! I got a serious heart break for that one, she happened to be my second love.

So, who's he? Anyone we know on Yahoo?

If this online realtionship can't get into real life, it is hopeless. It might warm up your life, but it will eventually end.
Honesty, Trust and Loyalness are the three biggest things to inquire into an online relationship. If it doesn't have any of the three, that relationship doesn't sound steady or workable.

You'll climb yourself out of the hole, I'm sure. =)
if you've never actually met him in person, then (i'm sorry but it's my unchangeable opinion) i cant (only) cyber relationships. if you have and it's just long dist. then, talk on the phone a lot. try to get together whenever you both can. it doesnt have to be hard
If he lives close good then maybe its ok just be careful 8) easy to fake an Identity online

But for future if its a big distance leave it most likely will fail 70% of the time
Online friendships are great. Anything else can ruin your life. If you have a crush, enjoy it, but try to keep it separate from real life.
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