Saturday, August 21, 2010

What effect has the US economy had on relationships?

like this question says,

do you think the US economy has in effect created more singles by americans losing jobs?


do you think people in relationships stay in relationships due to high costs of everything and lack of oppurtunities (financially speaking)?What effect has the US economy had on relationships?
Well, I'm in Japan, but I wouldn't be surprised if my experience was shared by many. I talk a little more to my husband these days, and I try to make sure we are on the same page as far as financial goals and things are concerned. So, it's brought us a little closer together.

Can't say what it'll be like six months or a year down the road, but I hope it helps us work together in a truer partnership.What effect has the US economy had on relationships?
I think the US economy has in effects created more family tragedy of suicides, killings, divorces, lower the house whole income per capita. More and more peoples will out of work not only in the US, Hong Kong, but globally. We all know that America is known as the economic locomotive. If America economically goes bad, many countries will follow. Why the staggering inflation of every thing can buy or sell? It is simply because the bull market. Since those greedy investors in stock shares, buying homes, funds and bonds, and all wanted vast rewards. For instance, during the bull market in 2008, many banks, including ads in Yahoo and free community newspapers regarding the stable huge rewards for investing in the Food and Commodity funds. The truth is that it had driven the food and gas prices up dramatically at the same time. Many consumers were outcry foul for the inflation made their life harder in Hong Kong and the US. In Hong Kong the stock market only created fewer millionaires but the majority ordinary citizens suffered by losing their jobs. Many family tragedies of divorces, killing his or her spouses, and many had committed suicides in Hong Kong during the bull market period of fewer happiness but more sad stories.

I think Obama should pass his veto to withdraw the US troops from Iraq at ealier than its assumed schedule. This can save ten billion US dollars per day and definitely can relief the slow down US economy. He should make a subtle plan with his financial think tank to destroy the global stock market gradually but wisely. It will be a good sign for the Dow Jones Index decline to 4,000 points and Hong Kong Heng Seng Index fell to 8,000 points in the near future. He should smart and powerful enough to maintain the small daily and annual flutuations, say not +/- 10% daily and annually. If he can manage to do this, the inflations will be controlled well globally. The relationships getting worsen for couples or lovers are caused by the human weakness of greed, selfishness, and fear of loss belongings. I marreied to a poor supply driver and get along well for 16 good years. It is bad for high hope and demanding partners.;_ylt=A0oG鈥?/a>

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