Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What would you do about differences in money beliefs in relationships?

When two people have a relationship together, how much should they be willing to put aside or work through their individual philosophical differences concerning how much they value money in terms of the security brings them day to day and in longer term life planning? Please, share some insight. Can these differences make a relationship better to walk away from? And, what are best techniques for people in a relationship to see things, of this nature, the same come together?What would you do about differences in money beliefs in relationships?
Different attitudes towards money can destroy your relationship. Spenders will spend, and you will always be broke, and you will grow to hate them while having no financial security. Savers shouldn't be stuck with spenders.

Find someone who thinks the way you do. This is critical.What would you do about differences in money beliefs in relationships?
If you plan to be in a serious relationship with a person with the intention of maybe getting married or combining finances, you should be on the same page when it comes to money. If one of you likes to save every penny and the other spends their whole check every month, you'll probably have a lot of arguments concerning your finances if they were joined together.

My fiance and I are both savers and I think this helps us a lot when it comes to everyday decisions and long term goals. For example, we decide to eat out no more than once a week and cook the other meals to conserve. We also try to build a nice safety net by living modestly in case one of us ever became unemployed or just to one day use towards a house, etc.

You should have an honest conversation with your partner and discuss the way you feel towards money and ask him/her their thoughts and feelings towards it. You should be able to come up with some sort of compromise and meet in a middle ground.

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