a.) Activity partners? Do-er. To go out, be out and about? Engage in community work?
b.) A philosophical partner? Someone who is a mindmate? Challenges you in all intellectual areas?
c.) An inspirational partner? Someone who's you're soul-mate, whom you can talk about anything and everything with? Someone you can talk about your deepest thoughts with and totally be you without feeling odd?
d.) combo of any, all or none of the above?
What are your preferences?What Types of Partners Do You Look For In Relationships?
For any type of relationship, I believe it is most important to find someone that you can partner with. No matter what is said or done, you want to be able to rely on your partner.
a). Doers are obviously my type of partners. They are more goal oriented and seem to be the ones going the places places I want to go.
b). Philosophical, not so much. I prefer ones that have principals and stand by them... even if I disagree with them. I do not like folks that believe they intellectually superior to me. Look, we are all just ordinary folks that are trying to live our lives to the best of our abilities. I do not need (and yes I have dated) someone that pontificates their vast vacuities onto me and our relationship. If they are loyal and sincere to their beliefs, then they will be the same to me if we are in a relationship.
c). And inspirational partner and what you are describing on this one are two different things. I completely agree with the second part of this, but not the first. I do not look for others for inspirational leadership nor partnership, I look to them for understanding and support. No one person can be all things to their partner all the time.
d). Combo? We all pick our own poison, so we need to learn to live with the decissions we make.
On a personal note, watch how people treat other people because this is how they will treat you. I believe we should all treat others like we would like to be treated... which means sometimes saying the hard things that need to be said. So, if you cannot help them, be honest and do not hurt them. Intelligent folks will see your intentions, your integrity and what you are attempting to accomplish.
Hope this helps.
Good luck.
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